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Baker Creek Academy
Learning Center

Supporting Learners and Their Families

It's What We Do!

Teacher Writing a Formula on a Blackboard


What is your greatest hope for your child's education? 

Grade level mastery?  Better test results? 

What about life skills, love of learning, joy?

Baker Creek Academy was founded to empower learners and their families to achieve their definition of success, whatever that might be. We help you to become the architect of your child's education while employing a Prenda microschool learning model including Community, Conquer, Collaborate, and Create

Let us aid you in creating and delivering the education you desire for your learner.  From individual support in core academics, to developing collaborative skills, to creative pursuits, we are here to help. 

Supporting Education Autonomy Through Student Driven Learning

Field trips and special events

All field trips and special events are elective.  Transportation is always the reponsibility of the parent or guardian. To learn more, click below.

Get in Touch

Baker Creek Academy

PO Box 1583

Eagar, AZ 85925, USA


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